Beauty, Boudoir, Bridal

Embrace Yourself


Mary Sheldon

Do you hate the way you look? Have you lost your spark and long to feel fabulous again?

You are not alone! Sadly, I find that most people hate SOMETHING about their body and it can feel like a bottomless pit of confusion, shame and despair.

For me, change came after my first beauty portrait session in 2009, shortly after the birth of my oldest child. Before the shoot, I was always thinking in terms of how disgusting I was versus how awesome I was. After the shoot, I found a reconnection with my inner feminine fabulousness that I long thought gone.

Now, so many years later, I want to help YOU find that. I want to give you a comfortable space to reconnect to yourself and find love again.

Love for YOU!

At B.B. Photography, you are given permission to feel alive – to feel FREE.

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